• " Known and Strange Things" focuses on diverse approaches and experiences; contrasting things that are equally important for these artists in their life as well as their practice. Connected by friendship and similarities of approach, the show links the di!ering forms of expression of four female artists, creating a beautiful and strange journey that takes you to an imagined place, an abstract, invented space, a landscape once de#ned by Seamus Heaney in hispoem Postscript as a ‘hurry through’ being ‘neither here nor there’.The need for movement, love and nature to survive is a constant in all of
  • our existence and Known and Strange Things is an opportunity to consider and explore this idea. Through theirartworks Oska Lappin, Adrienne Hunter, Agnieszka Dabrowska and Victoria Ki! suggest a metaphorical language of feelings and emotions both in their separate pieces and in their combined artwork here presented as a single painting which concludes the journey. The viewer canengage with their individual stories at any moment of their choosing; points of entry that can be strange or familiar perhaps… 


Exhibitions & Publications


2018- June " Waterworks", Hastings Arts Forum

2016- August “ Awakennig of the Warrior”, Rock-a- Nore Gallery Hastings

2016- May “ Forgotten/Forbedden” POSK Gallery, London

2015- Sept. Affordable  Art, Stables Theatre, Hastings  

2015 - Sept. Landscape with a child, Rock- a-Nore Gallery, Hastinsgs.

2014 -  Sept. Coastal Current  Hastings, Rock- a-Nore Art Gallery.

2014 - Jan .longlisted in Art Prize for Aesthetica Magazine, York, St. Mary’s Gallery

2013 - Nov .” Spirit of Watercolors” , Arts Forum, Hastings.

2013 - Sept. “ Open Studios “, Rock-a- Nore Art Gallery, 

2013- August, Summer Exhibition 2013, Rye Society of Artists.

2013- March, “ Gill’s Gallery, St. Leonards  on Sea.

2012- August, Summer Exhibition 2012, Rye Society of Artists.

2012- June , “ ComunaFamilia”, Drawing, Arts Forum, Hastings

2012-  Apr. Painting, Arts Forum, Hastings.

2009 - Nov. longlisted in Aesthetica Magazine, “Creative Artworks Annual 2010”.

2008 - Sept. “ Amballage”, body art installation, “ Open Studios”, Hastings. 

2007 -  May “ Untold Stories “, Electric Palace, Hastings.

2006 - October “ Work on the Paper” So Co gallery, St Mary  in  the Castle, Hastings. 

2006 - September “ Open Studios” Coastal Currents Hastings.

2006- April “Spring show” SoCo gallery, St Mary  in the Castle, Hastings.

2006 - April “ Graphic Line” Stratton Gallery, Hastings. 

2002 - February “ Linearlandscape”, Zielona Gora, Poland.


2009 - Aesthetica Magazine, Creative Art Works  “ Body and Nature” body painting.

2014- Aesthetica Magazine. Art Prize  “ Landscape with child” mixedmedia.

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